The Story of
the Disney
Concert Hall Organ
Los Angeles, CA USA
Producer, Kerry Bell.
Artistic Director & Host, Carol Williams
Signature Cartoon, Sid Couchey
Interviews with:
Frank Gehry, Architect of the building
Manuel Rosales, Voicer and Curator of the
Phil Smith, Conservator demonstrates the
Fred Swann, Inaugural Disney Concert Organist
Performances by Carol Williams:
Twilight -- Carol Williams
Flight of the Bumble Bee (on pedals)
-- Rimsky-Korsakov
Toccata in d minor -- J. S. Bach
Grand Dialogue -- Louis Marchand
Dark Friesian -- Carol Williams
Toccata -- Iver Kleive
Wonderful ground & aerial views of the building
inside & out and a tour of the 4 story inner
workings of the Disney Organ where the pipes live.