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TourBus 3
"TourBus goes to Spreckels"


    The world’s largest outdoor organ is the Spreckels Organ in Balboa Park San Diego California. Join the current Civic Organist Dr. Carol Williams for live performances on this great organ, an exclusive tour inside this mammoth instrument, interviews with the previous Civic Organists and San Diego’s Mayor Jerry Sanders and much more. Discover the history of this unique American treasure.

Producer, Kerry Bell. Artistic Director, Carol Williams

    Dr. Carol Williams is an international concert organist and the world’s first woman appointed Civic Organist. She is based in San Diego.
    TourBus is a video collection, hosted by Dr. Carol Williams, highlighting the famous organs of the world, its’ Music, People and Places.

Widescreen format

America the Beautiful - Organ History
Performance of Widor’s “Toccata, Symphonie V”
The Organ Curators with Dale Sorenson
Inside the Organ Case tour with Lyle Blackinton
Performance of Russell & Barroso’s “Brazil”
San Diego’s Civic Organists of the Past tell their story
Three Organists perform on the Spreckels Organ at the same time
Performance of Lynnwood Farnam’s “Toccata”
Dr. Carol Williams interviewed by Dave Scott of KUSI TV San Diego
Performance of Bedards’ pedal solo
San Diego’s Mayor Jerry Sanders talk with Carol
Performance of Will Hudson’s “Moonglow”
Performance of the National Anthem

NTSC  Widescreen
1 hour 42 minutes


Produced by Kerry Bell, Bell Video Productions
Hosted by Carol Williams
Theme Song composed by Carol Williams
Signature Cartoon by Sid Couchey

Copyright © 1995-2025

Carol Williams
Concert Organist
San Diego Civic Organist Emerita
Host of "TourBus" to the large & Small, Famous & Unique Pipe Organs of the World
Host of "On The Bench with Dr. Carol"